Friday, March 24, 2006

So now what do I do?

I need something that I don't have the option to become a work-a-holic in. I need something that is going to let me do the things in life that bring me joy. I need something that is going to let me do other things in general. I can't believe I would have to work so much just to survive. Is it really a question of if I could get something else or is it more of a question of do I trust that God will provide even if I'm not working my behind off.

The fact of the matter is that I'm not happy doing what I'm doing, besides the fact that I keep having to push myself until I get sick and then have to bring my world to a complete stop in order to get back to square 1. I'm tired and I'm ready for this to change. I was reading about Peter last night and the act of him dropping his net out of faith because Jesus said he should. Am I lacking the faith to drop my net, is this my net? It sure does seem like I have a lot more to lose than Peter did. He may of been tired and frustrated just like I am but what did he have to lose by letting down his net one more time?

If this is my net, and I am supposed to just leave this job and devote myself to ministry, how do I pay my car payments? How do I pay rent? How do I pay all of my bills? Am I to completely trust that somehow, miraculously, Jesus is going to take care of all of these expenses for me?

Well, I guess this is something for me to be praying about. If you think of it, please say a prayer for me as well. Thanks.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Well babe, here's my two cents: you're in a temporary city working a temporary job. You know you're not going to live there forever, so that job won't be your career. I think that, barring another job opportunity arising, you should grind it out and stay at your job for now. I know it's not what you want to hear, but I think God will open a new door if there's a new job for you. Maybe you should send out some resumes and see what happens?