Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Here is Love...

...vast as the ocean,
Loving kindness as the flood,
When the Prince of Life, our ransom,
Shed for us his precious blood.
Who his love will not remember?
Who can cease to sing his praise?
He can never be forgotten,
Throughout Heav'n's eternal days.

On the mount of crucifixion,
Fountains opened deep and wide;
Through the floodgates of God's mercy
Flowed a vast and gracious tide.
Grace and love, like mighty rivers,
Poured incessant from above,
Heaven's peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Amusement Parks

Have you ever noticed the immense attraction to Theme/Amusement Parks?

It's amazing that we will spend $50+ bucks to drive for an hour or two, pay to park, wait in long lines, ride on rides that may cause your heart to explode, they advise pregnant woman and people with heart problems not to ride. Yet, we can't wait to go back and do it again. It's fun like no other.

I have been wanting to go all summer long, I've attempted to set aside the money for such a trip, yet other cost such as moving, etc., having dashed that dream. I don't understand the phenomonom of the excitement and thrill when you go to a place like this, spend the whole day wearing yourself out, possibly getting sunburnt, but yet the next day you feel completley revived. It makes you wonder doesn't it?

Well, anyway. Now that I've moved and can start normalizing my life soon, I plan to go to one of these outrageous places and hopefully it will feed my hunger for a thrill and be just the thing I need to have fun and relax.

...these are my thoughts on amusement parks;)

Monday, August 21, 2006

"This is my life" - Billy Joel

Got a call from a friend we'd used to be real close
Said he couldn't go on the american way
Closed the shop, sold his house, bought a ticket to the west coast
Now he gives them a stand up routine in L.A.

I don't need you to worry for me cause I'm allright
I don't want you to tell me it's time to come home
I don't care what you say anymore this is my life
Go ahead with your own life leave me alone

I never said you had to offer me a second chance
I never said I was a victim of circumstance
I still belong
Don't get me wrong
And you can speak your mind
But not on my time

They will tell you can't sleep alone in a strange place
Then they'll tell you can't sleep with somebody else
but sooner or later you sleep in your own space
Either way it's O.K. you wake up with yourself

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Body Image

Read this article that my friend Stephanie Fosnight wrote, she interveiwed me and a few of our other freinds for this. It's an excellent article.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Christ the Lord

by Anne Rice

Amazing book!

I just finished it last night. Imagine life for Jesus as a child. Going from city to city and not knowing who you are, the story of your birth, and God's purpose. Like so many of us go about our daily life without realizing God's plan for us. It's a very captivating book. Read it! I know you'll love it!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Do you ever feel?

...I'm tired...

I've had a very busy last couple of weeks. Mostly work and then trying to find social time. It's hard work trying to build and maintain relationship all the while trying to work 40+ hours and maintain a tidy apartment, work on strengthening a relationship, and finding time for laundry, packing, etc.

I don't know about you, but some months it feels like there is more time in the day to do things and other months they just are jam packed. I think the ideal blend were if I made the sam that I make right now and only worked, say 25 hours, then I could make sure my laundry is always done, I'm never late anywhere, I'm always seeing friends, and have plenty of down time. But that would be a dream world my friends, this is reality.

Now that I'm actually analyzing it, I think one of the reasons I have so little time these days is because I've stopped eating out. I cook almost every night and I'm making my breakfast and lunch in the morning. That not only means more time in front of the stove but also more trips to the grocery store. Now don't get me wrong, I love cooking, especially for other people but I never realized how time consuming it is. Because then if your cooking for other people then you are more likely to sit and talk with them for longer.

scenario 1:
A friend and I go to Chili's for dinner - We get to the restaurant, we sit at our booth, order our drinks, and start our conversation. The whole time we are sitting enjoying each others company, we are both off of our feet so we have more time to enjoy each others company, chat, and rest while we wait for our food. The food comes, usually one person eats while the other person talks and it switches back and forth multiple times. Then depending on the situation and how long it takes the server to bring the check you have another good ten minutes to chat. Oh did I mention there is no dish clean up?

scenario 2:
A friend comes over for dinner, which I love - The friend shows up, ideally I've already started the meal and it should be ready soon, I've also taken the time to set a pretty table. The friend and I slowly start up a conversation until the food is ready, all the while my attention is split between the friend and the food. When the food is done I serve the food and we sit down and both move our attention to the food for a while, taking breaks to have small chats. When the meal is over, I rush to clean up so I have more time to chat and spend time with the friend, all the while tiring myself out terribly.

So what it comes down to is this:

Perks of eating out - time saver, energy saver, exciting, relaxing, and good for building relationships. And you don't have to clean up afterwards.

Perks of cooking yourself - You can eat a whole lot healthier, you save money, It increases you creativity, you awe your guest, you can improve your talents in cooking, and it's a great way to serve your friends.

I have no resolution here. I guess I will just continue to cook and only eat out occasionally.