Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ali is here!

Born March 3rd at 4:39pm weighing 9lbs 7oz. I did the majority of my laboring at home (thank God!) the warm water makes the contractions so much more tolerable but I was throwing up a lot and couldn't get any water down so I got extremely dehydrated and exhausted so we drove to the hospital and within 45minutes had Ali! With the labor so hard and strenuous on my body I was so thankful it only took 5 pushes to get her out. I am happy to say although she was delivered at the hospital it still was as natural as possible. She is a very healthy baby girl with incredibly chubby cheek. I feel reminiscent of Mary Poppins when I say she is "practically perfect in every way";).

We are transitioning pretty well, besides the sleep thing. We didn't sleep at all the night before she was born so we are still trying to catch up from that but we are working out a pretty nice system and I am so thankful for Alex to be working from home for a while to help. This whole experience was such a blessing to me. During my labor two of my most wonderful girlfriends where there to help me keep my mind off of the pain and basically just be there for me which meant the world to me, thanks Jenna and Christin! People came and where cleaning our house, which I admit actually stressed me out more than anything...I have a system...but all the same it was such a blessing to see how many people were there for us during this time and even after having to go to the hospital all my nurses where incredible.

I was blown away by how much easier they made it for me.And even now as we are home we are constantly getting offers for help which if you know me real well you know that it's hard for me to accept help and I usually turn it down but now I don't have much of a choice and I gladly welcome these angels with open arms! I cannot express in words how satisfying it is to see her little face finally and how proud I am that she is mine. As soon as I am able to be up and about again I will take a zillion photos so you all can enjoy her cuteness;).

Also see Alex's blog;)