Saturday, October 17, 2009

Kathy Update

Ok, where to begin...

Woman's Retreat 4 weeks ago. I had a divine appointment with God. A time and a place where I could surrender my excuses and say YES to his calling on my life. I had every excuse you could think of and I've used them for more than 10 years. Until one workshop titled "And she shall be called QUALIFIED...", I know in my head that I am qualified because Jesus has called me but it is still sinking into my heart.

I made the decision that day that if I was going to say yes to what God's been calling me to than I want to put all of me into it and do it the best I can.

Step #1: Piano lessons (How this is part of God's plan)
I direct the choir at my church and I've had the same great accompanist for the last 2 seasons. This season, 2 weeks before choir starts up I get a call from my accompanist telling me she is too busy to help me out this time around, but she gave me a phone number of someone who might be willing to help. I call lovely Lorraine and after some chatting and giving her the music she says yes! And, she adds, "If you know anyone who would be interested in piano lessons...?" ME!!!ME!!!I'm interested, lol! So, yes. I am taking piano lessons, yay!

Step #2: Laptop?
So, I need to go to school. But I have to go online. Our only computer is being used between the hours of 5am-5pm by this guy who runs the Branning Group making money to support our need a way to be online during the day...(prayer request)

Step #3: School?
I have been researching schools whenever I get a good amount of time on the computer, like now when I stay up a little later after everyone's gone to bed to catch up. But I have found one that sounds really perfect and can be done completely online.(more prayer request)

Is this the school God has for me? And if so, is this God's timing? And if so, will I have a laptop to do school on?

Oh and by the way, for those who don't know yet. I am going to school to be a worship leader.:)

I know you don't HAVE to go to school for this position, but like I said, if I'm gonna do it wanna put EVERYTHING into it. Whole heartily. The thing I love about the program I'm looking into is that ya they have a few music theory classes but it's mostly about deepening my relationship with Christ and prophetic worship and communion with Christ and things that are going to make sure my heart is ready.

I am sharing all this because I would love it if you all could be praying for me, this is really for me and my family.