Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I was told today by my boss that I "changed my hairstyle alot". I responded by saying, "I like change". It made me think, why is it that I change things so often, am I afraid of becoming bored or getting comfortable. It's funny how something as simple as a comment about my hair could make me evaluate why I do something.

I do like change, I like moving(houses), I like meeting new people, I like growing, I like moving forward. I've made alot of changes recently in my life and I'm still anticipating more to come. I've realized I don't fear change but rather I welcome it. I am never content with where I'm at, there always seems to be something else I can work on and some other area I can be growing in. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not a perfectionist, very far from it actually.

I have seen how far I have come and I have faith in how far I can go. Most of all, I love seeing God move, and sometimes I associate God moving with everything else moving too. Which limits God, as in saying " God can't move if I'm standing still". On the contrary, sometimes that is the very thing that God asks of us so that he can move in a powerful way, "just be", is a powerful phrase.

I know around Christmas I wrote about how hard it is to "just be". I'm starting to appreciate that state more and more as I come to a whirlwind in my life, all I want to do is "just be" in his prescence and recieve. This year God has stretched my understanding of how I can recieve. I recieve by just being in his prescence, recieving prayer, recieving love from others, giving love to others, praying for others, being part of community, etc....

I am ready for the next change to happen, whether it be with my hair, my job, my wardrobe, my living situation, my location, my ministry, my spiritual walk, I'm ready...

1 comment:

Alex said...

You have *so* much potential! I look forward to seeing God do some amazing things to you and through you.

PS - I love the new layout!

PPS - You're amazing!