Saturday, November 10, 2007

My new creation!

Here is my latest creation! I would like to thank God for giving me the wonderful idea and Alex and Kristen for encouraging me to make it. It is delicious. If you like Reese's peanut butter cups you will like this cake;). I made it this morning and it came out wonderful, of course there are a few small improvements I would like to make, and I am worried that it might be a little too rich for some people but it sure was a hit with my family tonight, who I love to use as guinea pigs.

This is my Chocolate Peanut butter fluff cake;).

I also came across the fact that not only is Chicken Parmesan easy to make but it taste so much better at home than it does at the restaurant. I was looking for something easy that would feed three meat eaters and my vegetarian brother and thought, hey I can make Chicken Parmesan and Eggplant Parmesan and it wouldn't be that hard. I had this amazing organic spinach pasta that I got from Whole Foods and then I browned the chicken and eggplant in a little olive oil and milk and flower with spices and then baked in the oven with some cheese and sauce, it was too die for. The best was my brothers compliment on the meal, he is a hard critic to please when it comes to food;). So I felt very good about dinner tonight, followed of course this fabulously rich dessert.

I don't know though, I wonder if this cake would be better with something more bland consumed before hand. Anyway, I'm excited about all the yumminess of one night, if you would like either recipe just let me know and I'd be happy to share;).

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I just might have to get that cake recipe from you!;)