Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving ...back!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope everyone had a really great holiday! Alex and I drove to San Diego to be with his extended family, definitely a different experience for me. Then on Friday, my family came over to our house, the stinky part is I had to work Friday morning and on top of that, Alex and I decided to get up at 4AM to go shopping! Call us crazy, it was an adventure and it was fun. We got most of our Christmas shopping done for almost nothing which is great. So Friday afternoon I came home, tried to nap and started cooking. Luckily my mom did the turkey, I think they are intimidating, and it kind of grosses me out to mess with them raw...but she did a great job and it was the juiciest turkey I've ever had. I made all the other yummy sides and Wassel, which is a German hot apple cider, everyone else seemed to like but I didn't care for much...go figure. So dinner was yummy and I loved being able to host Thanksgiving finally! It will probably be a while before I can do that again seeing as how next year I'll have a little baby to tend to;). My table turned out beautiful and I'm so excited because I spent almost nothing on it. I thought this was cute, so I'll share it with you;).

Table runner - $4
Pumpkin - $1
Candle Holders - $3
Gold Chargers -$8
flowers in the pumpkin -$4
Salt and Pepper shaker -$5
Being told by my mom's friend that my table was too expensive for his taste - Priceless!

P.S. this was the final product of my centerpiece, I added some maroon daisies to match the runner;).

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