Monday, April 10, 2006

This is for you David:

David is so cool that when I think about his coolness I spew chocolate milk out of my nose...

Ok, but really, I don't really have anything profound to blog about so I will just give you all an update of Kathy's world. So, Alex is coming to spend Easter with me and he'll be here in less than 3 days and I'm extremely excited! Alex is an amazing man, strong, responsible, respects me, and loves me. It is so awesome for me to experience this. It is a step of faith for me as well as a beautiful picture of things that I'd always hoped for and never expected.

I'm really excited to see spring in bloom. What a glorious time, new life, not only the weather thaws but people's attitudes as well. You see more smiles, people aren't heavy laden with parka's and snow boots. Everyone is in love...Including me. This really is a new season and I'm so excited to see what other things are to come.

I didn't go to Alabama, my dad is surviving, I'm not sure what exactly he's doing but I'm trying to practice good boundaries and not try to parent him. This summer is going to be a wild ride. I have no idea what to expect but I know that big and exciting things are going to happen. I feel a lot of joy right now.

1 comment:

David Green said...

Thanks for giving me a new chance to comment. Looking forward to seeing you soon in Chitown. And eating. And karoake. And etc.

I just found out that Hines Ward is half asian. He was the MVP for the Super Bowl. Half asian power baby!

Live fast and die young? No, die old. I'm unorthodox, I don't play by the rules.