Tuesday, January 22, 2008

We've moved!

So we are in our new home! Yay! Still sick...not so yay...We are still getting stuff out of our apartment but most of everything is at the house already. We have till Feb 1st to get everything out of the apt. and cleaned, luckily it was so small it was easy to keep pretty clean. Now I have this big house to keep clean. It's pretty daunting but we don't have a lot of stuff so hopefully we'll be able to live mostly clutter free.

It's surprisingly hard to get used to so much living space when you've lived in apartments for the majority of your life, but as we get unpacked it becomes more personalized it's really cool. I'm very excited to see how Ali's room is going to look when it's all finished. Alex and my brother started painting it and now we just need to put together the crib and get it all decorate. Very exciting! I can't wait to start nesting. It will be so nice when I'm not sick anymore, and Ali is here and I don't bump into walls with my belly, lol! Oh and being able to bend over and touch my toes will be nice too;).

In other words, we are so ready for her. About 4 weeks, I will technically be full term...which means she can come at anytime, I just hope she's not super late...I'm not sure I can go too much longer, it is so much physical strain, it is pretty amazing that God made our bodies to withstand this process...I don't think anyone really can grasp it fully until they've been through it, the ways your skin stretch and changes, just holding up my pre pregnancy clothes makes me wonder how I ever fit into them, but then I remember I didn't always have this giant tummy;). Well thats my update for now.

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