Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I know, I know...

It's been a while since I've posted here. I ran out of steam, the move, the growing baby in my tummy, all of it, I couldn't update anymore...

But now we are in the house, we are planning what paint colors to use which room to furnish first, etc...it's exciting. Whats even more exciting, Ali is due in 2 weeks, thats right 2 weeks, and if she comes early she will have the happiest parents alive! Not only do we love her so much it will be an absolute joy just to hold her tiny frame in our arms and shower her kisses but it will also mean I can move and bend again. All of our cupboards on the floor are empty;) due to the fact that if I were to sit on the floor there would be no getting back up, that would be it, the rest of my days spent on the floor...My baby has officially dropped so low that I can barley bend, even to sit...I'm sure if I were having a small baby it probably wouldn't be so inhibiting but the reality is Alex and I are both over the average height for our sexes and we were both pretty large babies ourselves. Both from our midwives measurements and the sheer weight of my womb we know she is already big, big enough to be born that is for sure. I'm hoping this fact will mean she will not find herself too comfortable in there and will realize she's better off on the outside and NOT join the 24% of babies who go past their due date...So far everyone I know who's due date was similar or near mine has their baby already...it makes it very hard to be patient.

I think the thing that we fine most humorous about my size and discomfort is trying to lay down in bed, due to the impossibility of sitting before lying down I must plop down on the bed in exactly the lying down position, so you must think to yourself how does she get up out of bed, well due to necessity, I've mastered the art of sheer willpower. As I stick my chubby swollen toes and my hands straight out from underneath the covers until they are out of bed and my feet have landed on the floor, yet my body is still not bent mind you it is a feet I've had to learn to get up use the bathroom a zillion times during the night. I've thought about making a cot right next to the bathroom for easier access but I've learned the routine pretty well, as long as I leave nothing on the floor, I am ok.

I just read yesterday that Christina Aguilera had scheduled a C-Section for week 37, I'm starting to think what a very smart move and if I weren't so passionate about having a water birth and it happening as naturally as possible I would have made the same decision. As I am in week 38 and ready to cut her out myself....everyday we try raspberry tea, walking around the neighborhood, and anything else we can find that will possible help "trigger" labor. So far we have triggered 1 false alarm, which was very disappointing...Today I might go for a swim, we'll have to see how I'm feeling. My body has been in rest mode, I think mostly due to the fact that sleep has become a luxury now with the increase of heartburn and hip pain and I read somewhere that before labor your body goes into rest mode to prepare you for the long haul of labor...

And here comes that nasty heartburn again to steal my sleep, well I think I'll try to drink a glass of milk and plop back into bed, wish me luck!

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