Thursday, December 07, 2006

In other news...

Bloggity, blog, blog, blog...

We are moving, we don't know when but hopefully soon. We have decided that we are wimps and can't handle chicago's winters anymore...No I'm just kidding, we really have been feeling a pull to go back home to Cali. We feel all the doors here are closing and tons of doors out there are opening, so right now we are just praying for timing and trying to prepare ourselves for the big move. Alex has sent out his resume, hopefully he'll get hired by someone who wants to pay to relocate us, that would be pretty sweet, but I'm working on trusting that if this is what God wants for us then he will provide.

I'm so excited to be social again, it has been so hard out here, everyone has been so busy, including me and I think that some people have this idea that now that I'm married I don't want to hang out anymore. WRONG! Even my own mother said, "you know, now that your married, you don't have to call me as much, I understand." Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE my husband, but I spend everyday with him, we have an appointed date night every week so we never really have to worry about not spending enough time together.

I AM a SOCIAL person and I need people, lots of people around me, I think I've been isolating myself and kind of turning introverted lately because I've been so tired and stressed with all the changes in my life recently but I'm starting to recover and seriously feeling the void of females in my life. I work all day with men, I come home to a man, when I go to the gym, all men. You get the picture? I am excited to go back to cali and start up some women's ministy type things in our church and really invest in the women out there. I am excited to start acting again at the LPAC. It's been so long. I'm excited to be on a worship team again. I'm excited to get a kitty and a puppy which we are going to do once we get out to cali;). I'm excited to start saving for our baby fund which we'd like to start working on having a baby withing the next 2 years.

Overall, I have mixed feelings, I am sad about losing my life and friends out here but very excited to start my new life with my husband out west with our families.

On a completely separate note, I'm taking a poll, just curious what everyone's favorite Christmas song is. Leave a comment with your fave please.

...Peace out G...


Alex said...

California here we come! ...sometime.

Ya got the gangsta talk, it'll do you good in Cali. It's rough out there...shoot!

Kathy B. said...

straight up, my homey...

Julie said...

Hey girl,
Wow moving out to Cali, starting a baby, I feel so ungrown-up hearing that... So, so happy for you. I know that Alex wrote that the March wedding is still on but what if you move before March?

Fav. chirstmas song is
"All I Want For Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey
"Baby It's Cold Outside"

Lis said...

I am happy for both of you. I am sad for me, but I know God has something wonderful for you in Southern Cal - plus there is always the High Desert!