Monday, December 03, 2007

the constant blogger...

Yes, another update! Thank you to all who were praying for my health, unfortunately it was the stomach flu as I gave it to my husband and my poor mother. But fortunately I feel much better and am back to eating solid foods, I'm sure little Ali is happy about that;). Alex is also starting to feel better as well, his luckily was not as long lived as mine.

I just got an email this morning, someone is giving us a washer and dryer! How blessed we are! I am so excited! Now all we need is a fridge and we'll be ready to move in;). We absolutely can't wait to move in. It is a small sacrifice having to move during Christmas but we'll be spending it with our folks anyway so I don't think we'll mind all the boxes so much. I think this is about it for an update. I can't wait to get back to normal life then I'll blog about something other than the house;). Or at least I'll try;).

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