Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Disclaimer: I'm using my devotional for inspiration, just wanted to put that out there...Whew, now my conscience is clear.

C.S. Lewis once said that "Prayer doesn't change God, it changes me."

I was having a panic moment yesterday about my career, my future ambitions, and just what the heck was I supposed to do. I know a lot of post college students deal with these type of emotions but I chose to step away from my profession of choice. I was praying about why I wasted my time in school, why I'm doing what I'm doing now, am I where I need to be, am I missing opportunities? So my solution? Pray, pray hard, pray without ceasing.

I had lunch with a close friend yesterday and I told her about all of these struggles concerning my career and my future. She challenged me to dream a little. I had all these ideals of what could happen in the future after this or that happened and she challenged me to think about now. So as I was driving back to work I spent some more time in prayer and I had an Aha! Moment. I realized what I wanted to do, what God had gifted me to do, and the opportunity that was staring me in the face. God is good. So by praying about it, I didn't change God's mind about what should be happening for me or manipulate him into giving me something else, but he changed my heart to see that the gifts he had given me were good, acceptable, important, and valuable now.

I have considered a field, and I have made a purchase. I can't wait to start planting my vineyard.

1 comment:

Alex said...

You go girl. You'll do a great job babe!