Sunday, November 15, 2009

A victim of grace Part 2

So now we've come to the realization that we are victim's of grace. We have been blindsided by God's love for us.

So now what are we going to choose to do with that? I have two ideas.

1)We need to switch our way of thinking. We are not victims of evil, we are victims of grace. We need stop focusing on all the things we are lacking or the wrongs that have been done to us but focus on the blessings, the abundance of love, mercy, and of grace. Stand in awe of our creator and what He has done for you.

2)We need to realize that our brothers and sisters are also victims of grace and use that knowledge to fuel unity in the body. Instead of seeing something someone is doing and have a negative opinion or pass judgment on them, or act out of bitterness, jealousy, or hurt we need to remember that they too are victim's of grace.

We need to bestow grace on them just as God bestows his grace on us. We may think they are undeserving but how much more are we undeserving of the grace and love that God bestows on us?


Jen said...

It's so true that if we really understood the grace we have received and all that we have been saved from, we would also give others that same amount of grace. I know I have at times withheld grace from people. That is SO arrogant of me! And until recently, I don't know that I ever really understood how hurtful that is and how much it hurts the message of the gospel when we, as Christians, refuse to give grace to others... like as if we are still better than others. If we truly believed that we don't deserve grace, we would gladly hand it back out to others :)

P.S. I like your posts. You know how to cut deep m'lady! ;)

Jason & Hannah McGuire said...

Very good & inspirational!!!! God Bless!

Aravind said...

Loved it ... Really good

Anonymous said...

May love, peace, harmony and calm be with you always :)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Joe Hero said...

You people are either very stupid or completely mad; possibly both. There is no God and never was; 'grace' is actually luck. Remember Occam's Razor, and seek the simplest explanation for the events in your life. The simplest explanation is this: the world is ruled by chaos, and our fate is fixed. There is no free will, no life after death, and nobody is looking out for us, except ourselves.

Given my opening statements I don't exepct you to accept this or even understand it. Desperate little wishful-thinking egoists that you are, you cannot accept the idea that your opinions and intentions make absolutely no difference to the condition of the universe. Have a happy delusional life.