Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday morning...already?

What a weekend! What a week! Last week was pretty crazy but I got a lot of stuff accomplished like finally organizing and cleaning my office! Which is really hard when you don't have any bookshelves or file cabinets, but thanks to the suggestion of Kristen, I bought some baskets and neatly organized papers and books in them and it actually looks quite decent. It sure is nice not having boxes piled up in our office anymore, that's for sure.

Alex has applied for a business loan so he can work from home and be his own boss, which he is very good at. We are very confident that he is going to get it. It will be so great for both of us.

Saturday, Alex and I just hung out being goofy and watched some funny, yet painful episodes of Curb your enthusiasm, but it was good to have a day just to ourselves, even though we would have loved to hang out with others.

Sunday was very busy, church was really good and afterwards we went to a birthday lunch for my friend Hannah, that was fun. Her mom asked me to be in charge of the birthday decor, it's much harder at a restaurant than it would be at someone's home but I did what I could;). I ate so much at the luncheon I had to take a nap when I got home. A few hours later we went over to David and Christin's house for dinner, which was a blast. Alex is so obsessed with baby's it cracks me up. Anytime he saw their 8 month old, he automatically snatched him up so he could hold him before anyone else, it really is quite a site;).

I'm loving the cold weather, I'm just really hoping it stays cooler, My basil temperature has risen and I can't handle the heat any longer. Plus I love fall/winter. Oh it's going to be such a great winter! It rained for a few minutes on Saturday and it put a smile on my face, I love the rain. We need more of it!

Well, that's all for now.

1 comment:

David Green said...

Hope it works out for Alex working at home, that would be awesome, esp. with the baby.

I'm afraid if I ever had a job that allowed me to work from home I'd never get any work done. I'd be surfing the web and posting comments on blogs like this...oh wait, I am at work. Err..