Wednesday, January 10, 2007


So Alex had three awesome interviews with this company in California. They said they will let us know by 1/17 so we are at least here until Febuary. I feel somewhat like a runner who is sure they about to start the race and keeps trying to run before it's time. I don't feeling anxious, I hope I can use my time off next week to get back into a peaceful state of mind. I'm so task oriented, I want to be ready, I want to be packed, and I want to make sure we have all of our t's crossed and i's dotted before we move but we haven't even gotten the final word yet. Grrr...I gess it goes back to trusting God. His timing is the perfect timing and I want his timing and his will. Sweet, I already feel less anxious.

So, Friday is my last day at Kelly, it will give me some time to do things I've been needing to do as well as a chance to kind of slow down. If you know me or have read my blogs you'll know what I'm talking about, my life has been a whirlwind and I'm ready for things to slow down. I'm also trying to get back into a healthier lifestyle, eating more healthy and excercising regularly. It just makes me feel better(and look better);). So that's a Kathy update.

Oh, I'm also thinking about collaborating with some people to do a yard/garage sale but since I have neither a yard nor a garage I'll have to find somebody who does.


Lis said...

I hope Alex gets the position! But, I am going to miss you guys so much!! Looking forward to Thursday Mrs. Kathy B!

Julie said...

So Alex finds out today if he gets the job. Let me know what happens. By the way I am soooooo jealous of you and your new stay at home job.... wish I could do the same.