Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Am I Captivating?

So I picked up the book "Captivating" which I'm sure most of you have read/heard of. I was in desperate need of a new book and I sort of felt like I was the last one to read this book and it was on sale at Borders for $4! So I started reading it last night so I haven't gotten too far but I love things that have to do with healing embracing the true feminine/masculine. So this book is right up my alley, tonight I started reading it a little bit but the heat and my restless mind prevented me from getting too far, but what I did read struck me. There is a part that talks about how we long for adventure and just being free enough to live that adventure. One thing I really resonated with is that we women tend to take things like movies, books, tv shows, games, or whatever to escape from our life into something "more". But that is not how God intended us to live he created us for the adventure, that is why we have a yearning deep down inside of us. I can't wait to get back to this book but I just wanted to share how happy I am to realize that I can/am living my adventure. Yes I am sure that God has big things in store for The Branning family and even me as an individual, as a woman but I like to look at my life thus far and see it as the adventure it has been.

I have lived, yes there have been times where I have use my escape mechanisms but for the majority of my life, it has been lived and I am so thankful for the experiences I have had to this day to make me the woman I am now and I don't want to stop, I am not content, and I hope that I never will be. We were meant to want more, more than this life has to offer. But while we are here, I want to fully enjoy the beauty and wonder that God has has created and provided for our enjoyment/use. I may live in a town currently that I have trouble finding beauty in but I know God has me here for a reason and I have been seeking since I got here to find beauty to be able to appreciate being here, and while I appreciate the things that come with living here, family, friends, In-n-out...I still get cranky when it gets to 101 degrees and I have no air conditioning, or I'd rather not go for a walk because there's nothing to look at but dirt...I am longing to find beauty to find the treasure that is here, it's like in my heart I know it's here but I can't see it with my eyes...

Ok, now I'm just thinking out loud, or out blogg?...but be sure there will be more to come.


Alex said...

Thanks for your positive attitude baby, I really appreciate it. You're my treasure, and I want to give you everything that you want - adventure, air conditioning, everything!

I love you.

Alex said...

We have A/C now, waddup!! :)