Friday, August 25, 2006

Amusement Parks

Have you ever noticed the immense attraction to Theme/Amusement Parks?

It's amazing that we will spend $50+ bucks to drive for an hour or two, pay to park, wait in long lines, ride on rides that may cause your heart to explode, they advise pregnant woman and people with heart problems not to ride. Yet, we can't wait to go back and do it again. It's fun like no other.

I have been wanting to go all summer long, I've attempted to set aside the money for such a trip, yet other cost such as moving, etc., having dashed that dream. I don't understand the phenomonom of the excitement and thrill when you go to a place like this, spend the whole day wearing yourself out, possibly getting sunburnt, but yet the next day you feel completley revived. It makes you wonder doesn't it?

Well, anyway. Now that I've moved and can start normalizing my life soon, I plan to go to one of these outrageous places and hopefully it will feed my hunger for a thrill and be just the thing I need to have fun and relax.

...these are my thoughts on amusement parks;)


Alex said...

You need to find yourself a good man who will take you to one of these "outrageous places"! And marry him ASAP.

Unknown said...

what a timely post... silly