Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Sorry to my viewers for being absentee. I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

In other news: Alex and I started couple counseling (haven't started pre-marital yet), it has been uber intense. Unleashing a lot of bottled up emotion I didn't even know was there, which I guess is the point of going to counseling. Anyway, I'm working two jobs which are taking up a lot of my time, trying to spend time with my fiancee, my roommate, and my close friends, all the while trying to keep my sanity and life in balance.

My roommate and I are excited that we found a new apartment. It's located in Rogers Park very near quite a few friends, which will be great to promote more building of community. It's also walking distance to Alex's house;).

I enjoyed a fabulous girls night out on Saturday with my some of my bridesmaids. It was much needed and I swear chocolate fondue is therapeutic. I had a lovely visit with a dear friend who came to visit from Georgia on Sunday and got back to the grind on Monday. I'm trying my hardest to find balance and have some time management success. It's very hard when your trying to afford living out here.

Wedding planning is fun, I think Alex and I have found a good balance of this week we'll research flowers and next week we'll take the week off from talking about wedding planning. I finally got him to tell me where we are going for our honeymoon and I'm overjoyed. I'm not big on surprises and if anyone knows me they know how picky I am about what clothes I bring where. We aren't going to disclose to anyone else where we are going we want to make it fun and maybe have a little competition on our website. We're still working out all the details. Speaking of which, if you haven't had a chance to visit our website it's It's a place for people to view what's going on with our wedding plans, the where, the when, the why. You can see pictures and our online journal, our registries are listed and it also let's you RSVP on our site. All I have to say, marrying a web site designer for the win!

So many people have advised us to make sure we have fun. This is actually a harder task than it seems. We plan on going to Navy Pier this weekend but when your finances are tight (and your fiancee doesn't have a job) it's hard to get motivated to have fun.

We plan on flying out to California in September to visit our families and have some fun so that'll be good. I'm so excited about planning parties and just having excuses to get people together. It's great. I miss being with big groups of people who know how to have a good time. I'm tired of playing this all work no play role. I'm ready for some fun loving Kathy time!

Prepare yourselves!

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